Full-time Professor

Wen-Xin Xie

Publish Time:2021-09-07

Wen-Xin Xie

Assistant Professor


Research Topics:

Individual & team creativity, team leadership,  team decision making, leadership network etc.

Personal Website


Contact Information



Wen-Xin was born in Qujing, China. She received her Ph.D. in organizational behavior from the School of Management, University College London. Before UCL, She received a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and a Research Master's degree in Business Administration (Human Resource Management) from Zhejiang University. She also attended the International Exchange Program at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam.

Research Interests

Dr. Xie’s research focuses on team leadership and creativity and how they involve an interplay between cognitive, situational, and behavioral factors. For example, how network attributes of team leadership dynamics influence team effectiveness and creativity ; how the processes by which creative collaborations unfold. She is an independent ad-hoc reviewer of Small Group Research, Journal of Creative Behaviour, Academy of Management Annual Conference; Interdisciplinary Network for Group Research (INGRoup) Annual Conference.

Representative Publications


Fisher, C. M., Sanchez, J., Berry, J, & Xie, W. X. (2021). Who (and how many) made this? How crediting authorship affects creativity evaluations. In A. S. McKay, R. Reiter-Palmon, & J. C. Kaufman (Eds.), Creative Success in Teams (pp. 168-188). London, U.K.: Academic Press.


Xie, W. X. (2019). Leadership attributions: The role of environmental uncertainty and communal leadership schema. In G. Atinc (Ed.), Best Paper Proceedings of the Seventy-Ninth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.


Harvey, S., Kou, C. Y., & Xie, W. X. (2019). Leading for creative synthesis: A process-based model for creative leadership. In C. Mainemelis, O. Epitropaki, & R. Kark (Eds.), Creative Leadership: Contexts and Prospects (pp. 191-207). New York: Routledge.


Working papers


Xie, W. X., & Fisher, C. M. When do people believe in teams that share leadership? Expectations for team effectiveness varies by leadership structure and task complexity.


Xie, W. X., & Fisher, C. M. Lowering the threshold: How and why environmental uncertainty increases leadership attributions in self-managing teams.


Fisher, C. M., Harvey, S., Ananth, P, & Xie, W. X. Bridging, balancing, and blending: The role of liminal practices in creative work.


Xie, W. X., Harvey, S., & Ananth, P. How diversity amplifies uncertainty and reduces group preference for novelty.


Xie, W. X., Shao, Y., & Gazdag, B. The effects of dynamic leadership network and multiple leadership network on team creativity.


Guinote, A., Xie, W. X. Power, variability, and leaders’ willingness to manage a new team.


Xie, W. X., Harvey, S. Create under the gun? Paradoxical practices to navigate novelty and usefulness in creative processes.