周小宇的研究兴趣集中于企业战略管理、企业ESG与社会责任、大科学装置与知识创新。他已有十多篇论文发表于交叉科学(Science, 中国科学院院刊)、管理学(Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management, Journal of Business Ethics,南开管理评论,管理学季刊,管理科学,营销科学学报)、经济学(World Development,European Economic Review, 经济科学)等领域的国内外知名学术期刊。他关于国家大科学装置上海光源的评估专著《科研重器:上海光源十周年回顾与展望》由新华出版社出版。
他正在主持国家社科重大子课题和国家自然科学基金青年项目,他担任中国系统工程学会创业创新系统工程专业委员会秘书长,中国管理现代化研究会管理思想与商业伦理专业委员会理事,国际管理一流期刊Journal of Business Research的评审委员会委员以及十多本国际和国内管理学权威期刊的特约审稿人,国家自然科学基金、上海市科技计划软科学重点项目和多所国内知名大学博士论文的通讯评审专家。
Lu, J., and Zhou, X. “Event Space and Firm Value: Chinese Listed Firms in the US-China Trade War,” Journal of Management, in press. [equal contribution]
Yang, X., Wang, H., and Zhou, X. “Geographic Distance and State’s Grip: Information Asymmetry, State Inattention, and Firm Implementation of State Policy,” Journal of Management, in press.
Hu, Y., Chang, X., and Zhou, X. “Risk without Strike: Nuclear Crisis and Corporate Investment,” European Economic Review, in press.
Yang, X. Zhou, X., and Cao, C. “Remaking the Chinese Academy of Sciences,” Science, 2023, 379(6629), 240-243.
Cheng, Y., Zhou, X., and Yao, K., “LGBT-Inclusive Representation in Entertainment Products and Its Market Response: Evidence from Field and Lab,” Journal of Business Ethics, 2023, 183, 1189-1209.
Zhang, Y., Zhou, X., and Lyles, M., “Reaching Optimally Distinctive CSR Strategy: Examining the Antecedents of CSR Scope Conformity and Emphasis Differentiation among Chinese Publicly Listed Companies,” Management and Organization Review, 2023,40(1): 107-123.
Chu, X., Tok, D., Zhou, X., and Chen, X., “How Companies Use Typeface Design to Engage Consumer in Charitable Activities,” Psychology & Marketing, 2023, 40(1): 107– 123.
Ding, H., Hu, Y., Yang, X., and Zhou, X., “Board Interlock and the Diffusion of Corporate Social Responsibility among Chinese Listed Firms,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2022, 39(4): 1287-1320. [equal contribution]
Zhang, Y, Wang, H., and Zhou, X. “Dare to Be Different? Corporate Social Activities of Chinese Firms and the Responses of Security Analysts,” Academy of Management Journal, 2020, 63(3): 717–742.
Zhang, Y., Zhou, X., and Lei, W., “Social Capital and its Contingent Value in Poverty Reduction: Evidence from Western China,” World Development, 2017, 93: 350-361.
Zhou X., Han Y., and Wang, R., “An Empirical Investigation on Firms’ Proactive and Passive Motivation for Bribery,” Journal of Business Ethics, 2013, 118(3): 461-472.
周小宇,符国群,王锐.关系导向战略与创新导向战略是相互替代还是互为补充——来自中国私营企业的证据,南开管理评论,2016,19(4): 13-26
杨锡怡,周小宇. 科研重器:上海光源十周年回顾与展望,新华出版社,北京,2021,ISBN:978-7-5166-5914-4.