






1.   Xiyi Yang, Heli Wang, and Xiaoyu Zhou, “Geographic Distance and State’s Grip: Information Asymmetry, State Inattention and Firm Implementation of State Policy.” Accepted by Journal of Management (FT50, ABS 4*).

2.   Xiyi Yang, Xiaoyu Zhou, and Cong Cao, “Remaking the Chinese Academy of Sciences.” Science (IF=63.832), 2023, 379(6629):240-243.

3.   Di Guo, Kun Jiang, Chenggang Xu, and Xiyi Yang, “Geographic Clusters, Regional Productivity and Resource Reallocation Across Firms: Evidence from China.” Forthcoming in Research Policy (FT50, ABS 4*).

4.   Di Guo, Kun Jiang, Chenggang Xu, and Xiyi Yang,“Industrial Clustering, Income and Inequality in Rural China.” Forthcoming in World Development.

5.   Haoyuan Ding, Yichuan Hu, Xiyi Yang, and Xiaoyu Zhou, “Board Interlock and the Diffusion of Corporate Social Responsibility among Chinese Listed Firms.” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2022, 39: 1287-1320.

6.   Di Guo, Kun Jiang, Chenggang Xu, and Xiyi Yang,“Clustering, Growth and Inequality in China.” Journal of Economic Geography(ABS 4), 2020, 20(5): 1207-1239.

7.   David Andersson, Åke E. Andersson, Björn Hårsman and Xiyi Yang, “The Geography of Science in 12 European Countries: A NUTS2-level Analysis.” Scientometrics,2020, 124: 1099–1125.

8.   Xiyi Yang, and Tsz Leung Yip, “Sources of Efficiency Changes at Asian Container Ports.” Maritime Business Review, 2019, 4(1): 71-93.

9.   Chen, Qianqian, Min Lv, Yu Gu, Xiyi Yang, Zhiyong Tang, Yuhan Sun, and Mianheng Jiang, “Hybrid Energy System for a Coal-based Chemical Industry.”Joule (From Cell Press, IF=46.048), 2018, 2(4): 607-620.

10.   Xiyi Yang, and David Emanuel Andersson, “Spatial Aspects of Entrepreneurship and Innovation.” Annals of Regional Science (Editorial), 2018, 61(3): 457-462. 


1.   《科研重器:上海光源十周年回顾与展望》(与周小宇合著),2021,新华出版社。


1.   Beamtime and Knowledge Production Times (with Cong Cao and Xiaoyu Zhou). R&R at Research Policy.

2.   Specialization vs. Diversification: Heterogeneous Agglomeration Effects on Different Innovation Activities (with Di Guo and Kun Jiang).

3.   Seizing the Window of opportunity: The Role of Regulatory Focus in Encouraging Early Pro-Environmental Actions (with Xiaomeng Fan and Xiaoyu Zhou).

4.   Property Rights, Government Expropriation and Incentives to Innovate (with Kevin Amess and Kun Jiang).

5.   Prototype or Stereotype? Analysts Reaction to Organizational (Non)Conformity to State Policy (with Xiaoyu Zhou and Yichuan Hu).


1.   国家自然科学基金委员会青年项目(项目编号72304184),“重大科技基础设施对促进我国科技发展的影响效应研究”,2024-2026. RMB 300,000, 主持.

2.   上海市2019年度科技创新行动计划软科学研究领域重点项目(项目编号19692102600),大科学装置对上海参与全球科技竞争的影响与对策研究以上海同步辐射光源为例2019-2020. RMB 80,000, 主持.