

谢文心出生在云南省曲靖市,2012年毕业于浙江大学,获得管理学学士学位。2015年毕业于浙江大学,获得管理学硕士学位。2021年毕业于伦敦大学学院(University College London),获得组织行为学博士。她曾于2013年到荷兰伊拉斯姆斯鹿特丹大学进行交换学习




谢文心博士主要研究团队领导力,团队过程以及创造力。例如,团队的社会网络属性如何影响团队效率和创造力,以及创新的合作展开的过程以及环境、资源等因素的影响。她常年担任Small Group Research, Journal of Creative Behaviour, Academy of Management Annual Conference; Interdisciplinary Network for Group Research (INGRoup) Annual Conference 的评审。



Fisher, C. M., Sanchez, J., Berry, J, & Xie, W. X. (2021). Who (and how many) made this? How crediting authorship affects creativity evaluations. In A. S. McKay, R. Reiter-Palmon, & J. C. Kaufman (Eds.), Creative Success in Teams (pp. 168-188). London, U.K.: Academic Press.


Xie, W. X. (2019). Leadership attributions: The role of environmental uncertainty and communal leadership schema. In G. Atinc (Ed.), Best Paper Proceedings of the Seventy-Ninth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.


Harvey, S., Kou, C. Y., & Xie, W. X. (2019). Leading for creative synthesis: A process-based model for creative leadership. In C. Mainemelis, O. Epitropaki, & R. Kark (Eds.), Creative Leadership: Contexts and Prospects (pp. 191-207). New York: Routledge.




Xie, W. X., & Fisher, C. M. When do people believe in teams that share leadership? Expectations for team effectiveness varies by leadership structure and task complexity.


Xie, W. X., & Fisher, C. M. Lowering the threshold: How and why environmental uncertainty increases leadership attributions in self-managing teams.


Fisher, C. M., Harvey, S., Ananth, P, & Xie, W. X. Bridging, balancing, and blending: The role of liminal practices in creative work.


Xie, W. X., Harvey, S., & Ananth, P. How diversity amplifies uncertainty and reduces group preference for novelty.


Xie, W. X., Shao, Y., & Gazdag, B. The effects of dynamic leadership network and multiple leadership network on team creativity.


Guinote, A., Xie, W. X. Power, variability, and leaders’ willingness to manage a new team.


Xie, W. X., Harvey, S. Create under the gun? Paradoxical practices to navigate novelty and usefulness in creative processes.