SEM Launches ISIC 2018


The International Students Innovation Competition (ISIC 2018) was launched at SEM on July 7, 2018. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HES-SO) and ShanghaiTech University are the co-sponsors of this event. Fifty-five students from the three universities are divided into nine competing teams. Prior to the competition, participating universities have prepared students with business planning skills. During the week-long competition, students will be engaged in intensive activities including expert talks, faculty mentoring, team brainstorming, company visits, and investor pitching. The competing teams will be judged by the worth of the problem to be solved, innovation & use of technology, effectiveness of business model, and professionalism of teamwork and presentation.

In his opening remark, Professor Ding Lu, Vice Dean of SEM, expressed his warmest welcome to all the participating students. As he pointed out, in the era when the China economy goes through transition from quantitative expansion to quality growth, healthy living has become what people pursue for a better life. The theme of this competition is thus of great significance. He encouraged the students to be inquisitive and innovative, making new friends, learning useful skills, and making good achievements. After the opening remark, Betty LIN, Professor of HKUST, led the students to play several joyful games to spirit up teamwork.

On July 9, the students visited Shanghai Engineering Research Center for Cell Therapy Group Ltd. and toured the company’s Baize Medical Laboratory, cell bank, and the production center. Shanghai Cell Therapy Group was established on the base of Shanghai Research Center for Cell Therapy with the approval by Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission. It is a high-tech company that specializes in providing personalized health services. 
