​Inaugural SEM Internal Mini-Conference


Inaugural SEM Internal Mini-Conference Program
Date: 2018-07-25                Venue: SEM 411 Meeting Room
No.NameTime SlotTitle of TalkRemarks
1Hanming Fang08:00-09:00am

Inferring the Ideological Affiliations of Political Committees via Financial 

Contributions Networks

2Haotian Zhou09:00-10:00amAlone at the bottom: Why others seem more extroverted than we areJoint talk
Yu Yang
3Peiyao Shen10:00-11:00amHow Rewards Enhance Truthful Reporting: An Experimental Analysis  
4Xiaoyu Zhou11:00-12:00am

The Parable of the Prodigal Son: How Oppositional Market Category Affect

Audiences’ Evaluation of Organizational Nonconformity

12:00-13:00 Box Lunch
5Ming Guo13:00-14:00Insider Trading and Learning under Structural Uncertainty  
6Guangwei Li14:00-15:00

Bridge to Excellence? The Impacts of International Coinvention on

Multinational R&D in China

7Yujin Kim15:00-16:00

A Road Untaken: What Makes Entrepreneurs Promote Breakthrough


8Qiao Yang16:00-17:00

A Bayesian nonparametric approach on model combination for short-term

interest rates

9Chen Chen17:00-18:00Mechanism Design with Risk Aversion  
Date: 2018-08-02                Venue: SEM 411 Meeting Room
No.NameTime SlotTitle of TalkRemarks
1Jin Dai08:00-09:00am

Are Female Leaders More Ethical Than Male Leaders? The Morality of Leaders

and Its Influence on Team Performance

2Suting Hong09:00-10:00am

Competition in the Venture Capital Market and the Success of Startup

Companies: Theory and Evidence

3Lifeng Yang10:00-11:00amTBD  
4Zheng Michael Song11:00-12:00amFrom imitation to innovation: Where is all that Chinese R&D going?  
12:00-13:00 Box Lunch
5Wei Si13:00-14:00

Higher Education and Women’s Empowerment: Evidence from China’s

Higher Education Expansion

6Xiyi Yang14:00-15:00

Geographic clustering and resource reallocation across firms in Chinese 


7Soojin Kim15:00-16:00TBD  
8Long Wang16:00-17:00Blessing in Disguise? Environmental Shocks and Performance Enhancement  

[Download PDF Program]

Inaugural SEM Internal Mini-Conference on July 25 and August 2.pdf
