CEA 2019 Conference Program


2019 China Conference of CEA (UK/Europe)

China’s Tough Battles: Reform, Stability and Development

4-5 July 2019

Shanghai, China

Link: http://cea2019.weebly.com/

Organising Institutions

ShanghaiTech University

Chinese Economic Association (UK/Europe)

Co-organising Institutions

Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance

China Economic Society (North America)

Keynote Speakers

Zongwu Cai, University of Kansas, President of the Chinese Economists Society

Wing Thye Woo, University of California at Davis (tbc)

Weiying Zhang, Peking University, co-founder of CEA

Hongbin Li, Stanford University

Yanrui Wu, University of Western Australia


Hanming Fang, ShanghaiTech University & University of Pennsylvania

Ding Lu, ShanghaiTech University

Zheng Song, Chinese University of Hong Kong & ShanghaiTech University

Wenxuan Hou, University of Edinburgh & Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance

About CEA Conference

China Economic Association (UK/Europe) was founded in 1988 in London by a group of overseas Chinese economists, some of whom were impactful policy advisors in China’s economic reform-and-opening process. In the past three decades, it has become the largest academic association on the Chinese economy in Europe. CEA holds two conference every year, one in Europe or UK and one in China. ShanghaiTech University is the host of the 2019 CEA’s China Conference.

On the government’s agenda, China is at the final stage of fulfilling one of its Two Centenary Goals: i.e. to bring China into “a moderately prosperous society of a higher level” by the time of the Communist Party’s centenary in 2021. To reach this goal, the country is fighting the “three tough battles” – preventing and defusing systematic financial risks, targeted poverty alleviation, and pollution control. In all these fronts, severe and complicated challenges need in-depth, rigorous, and insightful research by economists and business specialists. “China’s Tough Battles: Reform, Stability and Development” is an international conference to address these challenges. The objective of this conference is to present high quality theoretical and empirical academic research on the topics related to the recent business, financial and economic development of China.

Program Summary

Day 1 (July 4)


Opening ceremony08:30-08:50

Photo session08:50-09:00

Keynote I Weiying Zhang09:00-09:45

Keynote II Hongbin Li09:45-10:30

Coffee Break10:30-10:45

Parallel Sessions: A1&A210:45-12:00

A1 Political Uncertainty and Business

A2 Human Capital & Education


Keynote III Zongwu Cai13:30-14:15

Parallel Sessions: B1&B214:15-15:30

B1 Housing and Labor Markets

B2 Workers’ Age and Health Care

Coffee Break15:30-15:45

Parallel Sessions: C1&C215:45-17:25

C1 Causes of China’s Growth Pattern

C2 Strategic Choices for Business


Day 2 (July 5)

Keynote IV Wing Thye Woo09:00-09:45

Coffee Break09:45-10:00

Parallel Sessions: D1&D210:00-11:40

D1 Political Economy

D2 Earnings, Productivity, and Growth


Keynote V Yanrui Wu13:00-13:45

Coffee Break13:45-14:00

Parallel Sessions: E1&E214:00-15:40

E1 Spill-over and Innovation

E2 Stock Market

Program Details

Day 1 (July 4)


Opening ceremony08:30-08:50

Photo session08:50-09:00

Keynote I09:00-09:45

Weiying Zhang (Peking University): The Power of Ideas and the Chinese Economic Reform as an Evolutionary Process

Keynote II09:45-10:30

Hongbin Li (Stanford University): Education and Entrepreneurship

Coffee Break10:30-10:45

Parallel Sessions: A1&A210:45-12:00

A1 Political Uncertainty and Business

Xiaoman Duan (University of Oklahoma), Wenbin Cao (NEOMA Business School), Vahap B. Uysal

Economic Policy Uncertainty and Capital Structure Choices

Wei Yu (Shanghai University of International Business and Economics), Ying Zheng

Political Uncertainty, Government Incentives, and the Stock Market during China’s Two Sessions

Meng Zheng (The Open University of Hong Kong), Liang Shao, Gordon Y.N.Tang,Long Yi

Political Freedom, Economic Freedom, and Corporate Investment

A2 Human Capital & Education

Yan Song (Jinan University), Kentaro Tomoeda, Xiaoyu Xia

Sophistication and Cautiousness in College Applications

Shuangxin Wang (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), Naijia Guo, Zhao Rong

Direct and Spillover Effects of Free Compulsory Education on Schooling and Migration

Wei Si (ShanghaiTech University)

Does Higher Education Empower Women? Evidence from China's Higher Education Expansion


Keynote III13:30-14:15

Zongwu Cai (University of Kansas): Economic Policy or Program Analysis and Evaluation in Big Data Era

Parallel Sessions: B1&B214:15-15:30

B1 Housing and Labor Markets

Yang Yang (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), Sumit Agarwal,Weida Kuang, Long Wang

Yin-Yang Contracts in China's Housing Market

Wenjing Duan (Hunan University), Pedro S. Martins

Rent Sharing in China: Magnitude, Heterogeneity and Drivers

Yang Wang (Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University), Mei Yu, Simon Gao

Gender Diversity and Financial Statement Fraud

B2 Workers’ Age and Health Care

Weisi Xie (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Shaoqing Huang

Competition-Driven Career Concerns with Multi-task Assignments and Age Effects: Theory and Evidence;

Ngoc Dao (Indiana University, Bloomington )

Do Tax Incentives Promote Private Savings for Retirement Among Older Workers?

Hanming Fang (ShanghaiTech University), Xiaoyan Lei, Julie Shi, Lisa Xuejie Yi

Induced Medical Demand: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in China

Coffee Break15:30-15:45

Parallel Sessions: C1&C215:45-17:25

C1 Causes of China’s Growth Pattern

Qingping Ma (Nottingham University Business School China)

Factors Underlying China’s Rapid Economic Growth and Their Implied Future Challenges for China

Weidi Yuan (University of Geneva), Difei Ouyang

China Syndrome Redux: New Results on Global Labor Reallocation

Jun Feng (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)

Economic Growth and Human Capital Structure: Based on New Structural Economics

Ninghua Zhong (Tongji University), Muyang Zhang, Feng Wang

Gathering Strengths for Economic Growth like China

C2 Strategic Choices for Business

Yuchen Shao (Nanjing University), Sugata Marjit

Strategic Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) when Local Firms Face Credit Constraints;

Yi Li (St.Gallen University, Switzerland)

Understanding China Sovereign Credit Default Swap

Sophie X. Kong (Western Washington University),Aimin Zeng and Changluan Fu

Could Buddha Improve Internal Control and Reduce Restatement? Evidence from China

Long Wang (ShanghaiTech University), Yang Yang, and Hanming Fang

Competition and Quality Gains: New Evidence from the High Speed Rails and Airlines


Day 2 (July 5)

Keynote IV09:00-09:45

Wing Thye Woo (UC Davis): Domestic New Normal meets International New Normal: What is to be done?


Parallel Sessions: D1&D210:00-11:40

D1 Political Economy

Shiqi Guo (The Graduate Institute, Geneva), Nan Gao, Pinghan Liang

Winter Is Coming: Early-life Experiences and Politicians’ Decisions

Gan Xu (Wuhan University), Yang Zhou, Jingwen Yu

Early-Life Experience and Financial Risk Taking: Evidence from the 1959-1961 famine in China

Zihua Liu (Hong Kong Polytechnic University), Xiaping Cao, Wenlian Lin, Sili Zhou

Political Favoritism towards Resource Allocation, Evidence of Grants by Natural Science Foundation of China

Jianan Lu (University of Edinburgh Business School), Wenxuan Hou, Brian G.M.Main

Financial Development and the Lingering Effect of the Cultural Revolution: Trust or Risk Preference?

D2 Earnings, Productivity, and Growth

Jingwen Yang (Bangor College China), Danial Hemmings, Aziz Jaafar, Richard H.G. Jackson

Real Earnings Management in European Private and Public Firms

Peiyao Shen (ShanghaiTech University)

Does Green Matter? Environmental Management and Firm Performance in China

Zhiyuan Li (Fudan University), Gaosheng Ju

Total Factor Productivity Estimation without Control Functions

Linda Glawe (University of Hagen), Helmut Wagner

The Role of Institutional Quality and Human Capital for Economic Growth across Chinese Provinces – a Dynamic Panel Data Approach


Keynote VI13:00-13:45

Yanrui Wu (University of Western Australia): Environmental Regulation and Export Product Quality? Evidence from Chinese Firms

Coffee Break13:45-14:00

Parallel Sessions: E1&E214:00-15:40

E1 Spillovers and Innovation

Xiao Wang (University of Science and Technology of China), Yiqing Xie

The Gravity of Intermediate Inputs in Productivity Spillovers: Evidence from Foreign Direct Investment in China

Shusen Qi (Xiamen University), Kent N. Hui, G. Tomas M. Hult

Inter-industry FDI Spillovers from Foreign Banks: Evidence in Follower Countries

Lichao Wu, Yingqi Wei (Leeds University Business School), Chengang Wang

How Does FDI Impact on Innovation in China and India: A Critical Review and Research Agenda

Xiyi Yang (ShanghaiTech University), Kevin Amess, Kun Jiang

Property Rights and Firm Innovate: Evidence from the Special Economic Zone Policy in China

E2 Stock Market

Hang Zhou (University of Edinburgh), Rong Ding, Yuxin Sun

Private In-House Meeting and Stock Crash Risk: Evidence from China

Mo Zhang (University of Southern Denmark)

Impact of Short Selling on the Chinese Stock Mispricing

Georges Dionne and Xiaozhou Zhou (Université du Québec à Montréal)

Information Environments, Informed Trading, and Price Efficiency

Chengbo Fu (University of Northern British Columbia), Gady Jacoby, Lei Lu

Idiosyncratic Volatility Spread and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns



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