SEM Minors and Requirements

SEM Minors and Requirements

SEM has three minors available for undergraduate students: Finance, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and Business Administration. More detail regarding each minor can be found on the following pages.

Minors with limited seats

The cap is 45 for each minor as of the Academic Year of 2018-2019

Application Qualification

Sophomore and above

minimum 3.0 GPA

No more than one F on his/her transcript

Application Process

In order to complete any of the minors at SEM, a student must apply to SEM and submit the following materials:

1.Application form of the minor

2.Copy of his/her ShanghaiTech Transcript provided by University Academic Affairs Office

3.An essay (in English and Chinese, each version not to exceed 1,000 words) describing which Minor the prospective student selects and why

4.A short list of innovation-, business-, or entrepreneurial-related activities the student has engaged in since entering ShanghaiTech

-SEM will convene a committee of faculty members to select the students. Once selected, the student may declare an SEM Minor

-Students who want to apply for the Minor in Finance, please submit all application materials to; Students who want to apply for the Minor in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, please submit all application materials to; Students who want to apply for the Minor in Business Administration, please submit all application materials to by Oct. 28, 2018 afternoon 17:00.

-Important dates and deadlines

Start Time of Application

9:00 a.m.,   Oct.11, 2018

Application Deadline

17:00p.m., Oct. 28, 2018

Notification of Admission

Mid-Nov. 2018

Graduation Requirement

1.A minimum of 15 credits are required for graduation with an SEM Minor. Students may use or “double count” 2 of the credits allocated to SEM courses in the General Education Requirement, up to 4 of the credits allocated to of the 10 “free” credits allocated to students over four years for a total of six (6) credits. The remaining nine (9) credits must be taken in addition to the minimum of 149 credits required for graduation from Shanghai Tech.

2.Upon successful completion of the minor, the participant will receive a certificate of completion.


If you have any related questions, please contact Ms. Zhou by
