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Personal Financial Incentives and Corporate Campaign Contributions

Publish Time:2022-06-24

讲座时间:2022年6月29日  10:00- 11:30am




Despite the well-documented benefits of political participation, few firms engage in politics. We argue that low levels of corporate political participation can be rationalized by financial incentives of employees and shareholders who are the ultimate source of corporate contributions. Since even large firm-level benefits are trivial for individuals with small equity-stakes, few people have sufficient incentives to contribute. This logic explains why corporate political contributions are relatively small and why firms seek alternative channels of political influence. Empirically, we document that corporate PACs are financially constrained and that financial incentives of individual contributors are a strong determinant of campaign contributions.




孔博博士研究领域主要集中在公司财务、政治经济学和消费金融等。他近期的研究工作主要涉及企业与政治体制互动的预期和非预期结果以及企业政治参与的决定性因素。孔博博士的研究成果见诸多家知名学术期刊,如《纽约时报》、《华盛顿邮报》、《波士顿环球报》、《哈佛商业评论》等;此外,他的研究还曾在国际知名学术类期刊上发表,如Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Management Science, and Journal of Corporate Finance等。
